Make your vac last longer

  • , by Manny Sidhu
  • 2 min reading time

Get the feeling you wasted your money on that $1000 vac? Do you agree vac's don't last as long as a washer/microwave? Here're some real-world tips I've used to make my vac last longer:

  • Clean the filters regularly: The filters in a vacuum cleaner can become clogged with dust and debris over time, reducing suction power and causing the motor to overheat. Cleaning or replacing the filters every 8-12 months helps me keep my vacuum cleaner running smoothly and prevent damage to the motor.

  • Empty the dustbin or bag frequently: A full dustbin or bag can also impede suction power and cause the motor to work harder, leading to wear and tear. Emptying the dustbin or bag after every use or when it's halfway full can help maintain optimal performance.

  • Check and clean the brush roll: The brush roll in a vacuum cleaner can become tangled with hair and other debris, affecting cleaning performance and causing the motor to strain. Regularly checking and cleaning the brush roll can help prevent damage to the motor and ensure effective cleaning.

  • Store the vacuum cleaner properly: Storing the vacuum cleaner in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and humidity, can help prevent damage to the motor and prolong its lifespan.

  • Use the right attachments and settings: Using the right attachments and settings for different surfaces can help prevent unnecessary wear and tear on the vacuum cleaner. For example, using a hard floor attachment on carpets can damage the brush roll and motor, while using a high suction power on delicate fabrics can cause them to fray.

  • Use the vacuum cleaner appropriately: Using the vacuum cleaner for its intended purpose and avoiding rough handling can help prevent damage and prolong its lifespan. For instance, using it to suck up large debris, such as rocks or coins, can damage the motor and cause parts to break.

  • Service the vacuum cleaner regularly: Getting the vacuum cleaner serviced by a professional every few years can help detect and prevent any issues before they escalate, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. This is particularly useful for those expensive $1000+ vac's.


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